
Shelter Island

來自 Faber Music
$3,000TWD - $3,000TWD
$3,000TWD - $3,000TWD

Shelter Island》是《East Coast Pictures》的第一樂章。它描繪的是紐約以東幾小時車程的謝爾特島本身。夏天,這裡是人潮湧動的旅遊勝地;而到了冬天,這裡則冷冷清清,在海霧和滂沱大雨的籠罩下,勇敢地面對波濤洶湧的大西洋的侵襲。這幅'畫'是對庇護島冬季週末的美好回憶"

作曲家: Hess, Nigel
樂器: Wind Band
出版社: Faber Music
Shelter Island is the first movement of East Coast Pictures. It is a depiction of the Shelter Island itself, a few hours drive east of New York. In the summer it becomes a crowded tourist trap; but in the winter it is gloriously deserted and bravely faces the onslaught of the turbulent Atlantic, shrouded in sea mists and driving rain. This ‘picture’ is a fond memory of a winter weekend on Shelter Island. East Coast Pictures was commissioned by the British Youth Wind Orchestra with funds from the National Westminster Bank plc. These three short ‘pictures’ were inspired by several visits to a small part of the American East Coast, an area that provides great extremes in the geography and the people.

頁數: 364
重量(g): 1119
EAN: 9780571519392
