
Annabel Lee 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

這首旋律優美的樂曲採用輕快的四分之三拍,由一位不知名的作曲家創作,最初是為愛德格-愛倫-坡的同名詩歌配樂。故事講述了敘述者對一位住在海邊的女子的深愛,敘述者每晚睡在她海邊的墳墓旁,為她的早逝而哀悼。這首曲子旋律優美,和聲極富魅力,以音樂的形式描繪了這段矢志不渝的愛情,並為教授表現力和抒情性提供了一個有意義的機會。它是發展中樂隊曲目的迷人補充。(2:15)此曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Traditional Folk Song based on the poem by Edgar Allan Poe
改編者: Michael Story
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2 (Easy); -2
風格: Folk
Scored in a lilting three-quarter meter, this delicious melody, by an unknown composer, was originally scored to accompany Edgar Allan Poe's poem of the same name. The story is of the narrator's deep love for a woman who lived by the sea, and whose untimely death is mourned every night by the narrator as he sleeps next to her tomb by the ocean. The beautiful melody, charismatically harmonized, musically depicts that undying love and provides a meaningful opportunity to teach expressive and lyrical performance. A charming addition to the developing band repertoire. (2:15) This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 72.5747792
UPC: 38081453026
