
Learn As You Play: Clarinet (clarinet) 豎笛

$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

"邊演奏邊學習: 單簧管》是彼得-瓦斯托爾(Peter Wastall)屢獲殊榮的木管樂器和銅管樂器輔導叢書之一。本書旨在幫助初學者掌握從初級到中級的基礎知識,包括理論和練習,以及一些旋律優美的音樂會曲目。 該書易於使用,分為不同部分,附有清晰的注釋和說明,遵循掌握初級技巧所需的每一個步驟。 彼得-瓦斯托還是 "練習曲 "系列和 "練習時間 "系列的作者,前者向演奏者介紹了一些即興演奏和合奏曲目,後者則更側重於爵士樂和搖滾樂主題"""

作曲家: Peter Wastall
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Learn as you play: Clarinet is part of the award-winning series of tutor books for woodwind and brass instruments by Peter Wastall. Written to get the basics from beginner to intermediate level, this book features theory and exercises with some melodical concert pieces. Easy to use, the book is divided into different sections with clear comments and explanations, following every step necessary to acquire the beginner techniques. Peter Wastall is also the author of the series 'Practice Sessions', which will introduce the player to some improvisations and ensemble pieces, and of 'Session Time', which focuses more on jazz and rock themes.”

頁數: 64
重量(g): 229.635
EAN: 9781540053237
UPC: 888680789626
