
Four Pieces, Op. 5 for Clarinet and Piano 貝爾格‧阿班 小品 豎笛(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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在寫給埃爾溫-舒爾霍夫(Erwin Schulhoff)的信中,伯格痛心疾首地抱怨自己為《單簧管樂曲》尋找出版商未果,"我又一次自掏腰包!我公寓裡的幾件古董不得不為此買單"。這些簡明扼要的小品是 "小品 "流派的傑出代表,阿諾德-勳伯格和安東-馮-韋伯恩也為這一流派做出了貢獻。我們熱忱地向所有願意嘗試的單簧管演奏家推薦這些簡短而富有想像力的 Henle Urtext 版本。此版本在全球發行"

作曲家: Alban Berg
校訂者: Ullrich Scheideler
樂器: Clarinet; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Berg: Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano op. 5

In a letter to Erwin Schulhoff, Berg bitterly complained about his unsuccessful attempt to find a publisher for his “Pieces for Clarinet,” “Once again at my own expense! A few antique pieces in my apartment had to pay for it.” The concise miniatures are outstanding examples of the “little pieces” genre, to which Arnold Schoenberg and Anton von Webern also contributed. We warmly recommend these short but imaginative pieces in Henle Urtext to all those clarinetists who are willing to experiment. This edition is available worldwide.
頁數: 18
重量(g): 121.905
UPC: 884088179175