
Clarinet Concerto No. 2 in E-Flat Major, Op. 57 Piano Reduction 豎笛協奏曲 豎笛(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

路易-斯波爾的協奏曲長期以來一直是單簧管曲目中的標準曲目,但迄今為止,由於缺乏可靠的版本,它們一直受到影響。為了填補這一空白,G. Henle 出版社繼其第一號 c 小調協奏曲(HN 9)之後,又推出了第二號 c 小調協奏曲(HN 9)。1》(HN 995)之後,G. Henle 出版社又推出了《降 E 調第二協奏曲》的評論版。降 E 調第二協奏曲》的評論版。這是斯波爾斯四首單簧管協奏曲中唯一的一首大調單簧管協奏曲,其歡快的氣氛和生活情趣依然引人入勝,尤其是最後的 "alla polacca "樂章。很難相信這是這首協奏曲的第一個烏爾文版本!烏爾裡希-謝德爾(Ullrich Scheideler)在此版本中參考了 1822 年萊比錫出版的第一版以及一份重要的早期手稿。克裡斯托夫-索邦斯基(Christoph Sobanski)對管弦樂伴奏進行了全新的、實用的、易於演奏的鋼琴編配。管弦樂部分可向 Breitkopf & Härtel 租借"

作曲家: Louis Spohr
校訂者: Ulrich Scheideler
樂器: Clarinet; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Louis Spohr's concertos have long been a standard feature in the clarinet repertoire, but up to now they have suffered due to a lackof reliable editions. In order to fill this gap, G. Henle Publishers is now following its edition of the Concerto no. 1 in c minor (HN 995) with a critical edition of the Concerto no. 2 in E flat. This is the only one of Spohrs four clarinet concertos in a majorkey, and its buoyant atmosphere and joie de vivre remain captivating - especially in the final, “alla polacca” movement. It is hard to believe that this is the first-ever Urtext edition of this concerto! For this edition, Ullrich Scheideler has consulted both the first edition of 1822, published in Leipzig, as well as an important early manuscript. A new, practical, easy-to-play piano arrangement of the orchestral accompaniment has been made by Christoph Sobanski. The orchestral parts may be hired from Breitkopf & Härtel.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 229.635
UPC: 888680950552
