
Clarinet Concerto in B-flat Major, Op. 11 Clarinet in B-flat with Piano Reduction 豎笛協奏曲 鋼琴 豎笛(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

繼 F 小調大協奏曲作品 5 (51481209) 之後,Henle 又推出了克魯塞爾單簧管協奏曲系列,包括降 B 大調單簧管協奏曲作品 11。這位瑞典作曲家本身就是一位傑出的單簧管演奏家,可以說這些協奏曲是為他量身定做的。儘管降 B 大調協奏曲在技術上要求很高,但它避免了過於高超的技巧,而是以其獨具匠心的旋律贏得了我們的喜愛。它是亨勒早期浪漫主義單簧管曲目中非常受歡迎的新曲目。單簧管演奏家尼古拉-普費弗(Nicolai Pfeffer)以典範的方式編輯了這一版本,並參考了唯一的現存資料,即 1829 年的第一版。約翰內斯-昂布賴特(Johannes Umbreit)負責研究樂譜,樂譜非常適合這雙手"

作曲家: Bernhard Henrik Crusell
校訂者: Nicolai Pfeffer
樂器: Clarinet; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Following their edition of the Grand Concerto in F minor Op. 5 (51481209), Henle expands their series of Crusell's clarinet concertos to include the one in B-flat major Op. 11. The Swedish composer was himself a prominent clarinet virtuoso and the concertos were tailor-made for himself so to speak. Despite being technically very demanding, the Concerto in B-flat major avoids being overly virtuosic and wins us over with its melodic ingenuity. It is a very welcome addition to Henle's early Romantic repertoire for the clarinet. The clarinetist Nicolai Pfeffer edited the edition in an exemplary manner, consulting the sole surviving source, the first edition of 1829. Johannes Umbreit was responsible for the study score, which wonderfully fits the hands.

頁數: 34
重量(g): 212.625
UPC: 888680612535
