

來自 Faber Music
$480TWD - $480TWD
$480TWD - $480TWD

這本音樂'指紋'集非常適合 1-4 年級的單簧管演奏家。為這本作品集做出貢獻的作曲家都是在世的音樂家,他們經歷了我們其他人能夠理解的所有日常挑戰和情感。每首曲子都是特別委託創作的,目的是捕捉每位元作曲家之所以成為今天的他們的一些特點,並將他們的'fingerprnt'留下供您演奏

樂器: Clarinet, Piano
出版社: Faber Music
曲目: Moonlight waltz (Louise Beach); Birds now and then (Paul Carr); Lover's lament (Tony Cliff); Roll up! roll up! (Jonathan Girling); Dog, bone, mayhem (Howard Goodall); Echoes (Richard Harris); Arc de triomphe ( Tim Jackson); Ringtone (Rachel Leach); In the dark wood (David Matthews); Flights of angels (Cecelia McDowell); Nocturne (Joseph Phibbs); Ghost (Deborah Pritchard); Sending text (Julia Usher); So close to over there (Sarah Watts);
This collection of musical 'Fingerprints' is perfect for the Grade 1-4 clarinet player. The composers who have contributed to the volume are all living musicians who experience all of the daily challenges and emotions that the rest of us can understand. Each of the pieces has been specially commissioned to capture something of what makes each composer who they are today, leaving their 'fingerprnt' behind for you to play.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 159
EAN: 9780571522552
