
The Planets for Piano Solo 霍爾斯特‧古斯塔夫 鋼琴

來自 Chester Music
$570TWD - $570TWD
$570TWD - $570TWD

這是古斯塔夫-霍爾斯特(Gustav Holst)的《行星》(The Planets)的首個鋼琴獨奏版本。這部史詩般的管弦樂作品最初是為雙鋼琴和四手聯彈譜寫的,即使在霍爾斯特開始創作《火星,戰爭的使者》的一個世紀之後,這部作品仍然令世界各地的聽眾感到震驚和著迷。這本書讓鋼琴家能夠模仿那些砰砰作響的ostinatos、撞擊的和絃、閃閃發光的紋理和舒緩的和聲,讓《行星》的奇跡更加貼近演奏者

作曲家: Gustav Holst
樂器: Piano; Piano Solo
出版社: Chester Music
This is the first published version of Gustav Holst's The Planets arranged for solo piano. Originally scored for two pianos and four hands, this epic orchestral work continues to astound and charm audiences around the world, even a century after Holst started work on Mars, the Bringer of War. This volume allows the pianist to emulate those thumping ostinatos, crashing chords, glistening textures and soothing harmonies, bringing the wonder of The Planet even closer to the player.

頁數: 80
重量(g): 283.5
EAN: 9781783058792
UPC: 888680089948
