
Songe A La Douceur (cello) 大提琴

$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

"作曲家派翠克-伯根(Patrick Burgan)與法國音樂巨匠亨利-杜蒂耶(Henri Dutilleux)之間形成了真正的選擇性親緣關係。杜蒂耶從不放過任何一個機會,提及他對年輕音樂家工作的高度評價。Songe À La Douceur》的標題取自波德賴爾的《LInvitation au Voyage》中的第二節,波德賴爾是杜蒂約的靈感源泉。伯根邀請聽眾探索這位元法國音樂大師的音樂世界:樂譜中大量引用了他的作品,形成了一個絕妙的星座,從《瞬間之謎》到《第二交響曲》,再到四重奏《今夜》、《Métaboles》和大提琴協奏曲《Tout un monde lointain》。在反映《遠航邀請》時,作曲家遵循了詩句和反問句的原則,撥弦的輕柔和絃催人淚下,與名句遙相呼應: Là, tout nest quordre et beauté, / Luxe, calme et volupté。這首頌歌以精緻煉金術的形式,將閃耀、甜美和精神融為一體""

作曲家: Patrick Burgan
樂器: Cello
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“The composer Patrick Burgan and the giant of French music Henri Dutilleux formed real elective affinities with each other. Dutilleux never missed an opporËtunity to mention the high esteem in which he held the younger musicians work. Dedicated to the memory of Henri Dutilleux, Songe À La Douceur takes its title from the 2nd verse of 'LInvitation au Voyage', from the 'Fleurs du mal' by Baudelaire a poet who was a constant source of inspiration for Dutilleux. Burgan invites listeners to explore the musical universe of the French master: the numerous quotations of his work, duly flagged in the score, form a superb constellation that stretches from the Mystère de lInstant to the Deuxième Symphonie via the quartet Ainsi la nuit, Métaboles and the concerto for cello Tout un monde lointain. Reflecting LInvitation au Voyage, the composer follows the principle of verse and refrain, and the hypnotic return of the soft chords in pizzicato echoes the famous lines: Là, tout nest quordre et beauté, / Luxe, calme et volupté. This tribute, in the form of a delicate alchemy, combines sparkle, sweetness and spirit.”

頁數: 12
重量(g): 172.935
UPC: 888680828240
