
Orchestral Repertoire: Complete Parts for Cello from the Classic Masterpieces, Volume III 大提琴 小品

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

卡爾穆斯提供精選大提琴大師作品的完整樂曲。每一冊都收錄了主要的管弦樂作品,包括標準試奏曲目和廣為人知的高難度樂段。這些書籍非常適合學生練習和學習選段,也適合準備試奏的專業音樂家。第三冊包括這些偉大作品的大提琴部分: 霍斯特的《行星》 * 聖桑的《動物狂歡節》 * 沃恩-威廉斯的《塔利斯主題幻想曲》 * 德-法拉的《三角帽》 * 德沃夏克的《E 大調小夜曲》"

樂器: Cello
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Kalmus offers the complete parts to select masterworks for cello. Each volume includes major orchestral works that include standard audition repertoire and widely known difficult passages. These books are great for the student to practice and learn excerpts, or for the professional musician preparing for an audition. Volume three includes the cello parts to these great masterworks: Holst's The Planets * Saint-Saens' The Carnival of the Animals * Vaughan Williams' Fantasie on a Theme of Tallis * de Falla's The Three-Cornered Hat * Dvorák's Serenade in E Major.

頁數: 56
重量(g): 205.47734361
ISBN: 9780757993091
UPC: 654979034339
