


  • $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD

    New Collection of Studies Band 4 for advanced students. Difficult 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music語言: German - English - French頁數: 36重量(g): 160ISMN: 9790001033961

    $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD
  • $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD

    New Collection of Studies Band 3 All lower positions including thumb positions. Moderately difficult to difficult 把位拇指把位 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music語言: German - English - French頁數: 48重量(g): 200ISMN: 9790001033954

    $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD
  • $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD

    New Collection of Studies Band 2 3d to 6th positions without thumb positions. Moderately difficult 把位拇指把位 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music語言: German - English - French頁數: 44重量(g): 190ISMN: 9790001033947

    $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD
  • $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD

    New Collection of Studies Band 1 1st and 2nd positions. Easy to moderately difficult 把位 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music語言: German - English - French頁數: 36重量(g): 160ISMN: 9790001033930

    $980TWD - $980TWD
    $980TWD - $980TWD
  • $1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
    $1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

    Violoncello Technique Band 2 Technique of the Bow 大提琴 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    俄羅斯大提琴家 Stutschewsky(1891-1982 年)根據旋律和和聲模式為右手制定了一套極為有效的練習計畫。作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music原文簡介: The Russian cellist Stutschew...

    $1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
    $1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
  • $1,150TWD - $1,150TWD
    $1,150TWD - $1,150TWD

    Violoncello Technique Band 1 Finger Technique 大提琴 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

    作曲家: Stutschewsky, Joachim樂器: cello出版社: Schott Music語言: German - English - French頁數: 56重量(g): 240ISMN: 9790001033046

    $1,150TWD - $1,150TWD
    $1,150TWD - $1,150TWD