
Kol Nidrei, Op. 47 Cello and Piano 布魯赫 晚禱 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$550TWD - $550TWD

除了廣受歡迎的《第一小提琴協奏曲 Kol Nidrei》是馬克斯-布魯赫最著名的作品之一。這首憂傷的《希伯來旋律後的快板》寫於 1880 年,是為大提琴家羅伯特-豪斯曼(Robert Hausmann)而作。這首曲子描寫了兩首古老的猶太歌曲,新教徒布魯赫自己也承認,這兩首歌的非凡之美深深打動了他。大提琴的男高音音色是猶太唱詩班歌聲的理想載體,因此時至今日,"Kol Nidrei "仍為每一位大提琴演奏家提供了讓樂器 "歌唱 "的絕佳機會。在這個以 1881 年第一版為基礎的文本中,《Kol Nidrei》首次出現在經過學術研究證實的烏爾格版本中,為此不僅參考了音樂資料,還查閱了馬克斯-布魯赫檔案館的大量信件和檔。克利斯蒂安-波爾泰拉(Christian Poltéra)為獨奏部分的標記提供了説明"

作曲家: Max Bruch
校訂者: Annette Oppermann
樂器: Cello; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Aside from his popular Violin Concerto no. 1, “Kol Nidrei” numbers among Max Bruch's most famous compositions. The melancholy “Adagio after Hebrew melodies” was written in 1880 for the cellist Robert Hausmann. It treats two old Jewish songs whose extraordinary beauty proved deeply moving to the Protestant Bruch, by his own admission. The tenor cello sound is the ideal medium for the voice of a Jewish cantor, and thus to this day “Kol Nidrei” offers every cellist a wonderful opportunity to make the instrument “sing”. In this text, based on the first edition of 1881, “Kol Nidrei” appears for the first time in an Urtext edition substantiated by scholarly research, for which not just the musical sources, but also numerous letters and documents from the Max Bruch Archive were consulted. Christian Poltéra was able to be procured for the markings in the solo part.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 102.06
UPC: 888680973650
