
Cello Sonata in F Major, Op. 5, No. 1 Cello and Piano 貝多芬 奏鳴曲 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

兩首奏鳴曲作品 作於 1796 年,是年輕的貝多芬在柏林宮廷與大提琴演奏家讓-路易-杜波特合作演出時的專用曲目。貝多芬的鋼琴演奏部分極為精彩,保證了他不會被杜波特的演奏所掩蓋。在這兩首奏鳴曲中,兩個快速樂章之前都有一個緩慢的引子,在《g小調奏鳴曲》中,這個引子長達六分鐘,幾乎自成一個樂章。延斯-杜夫納(Jens Dufner)的Urtext版本是基於他對《貝多芬全集》評論報告的研究,因此具有最高學術水準的音樂文本。在序言和評論報告中,他概述了這首奏鳴曲的起源和來源情況。伊恩-福泉(Ian Fountain)和大衛-格林加斯(David Geringas)提供了指法"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Jens Dufner
樂器: Cello; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The two Sonatas op. 5 were written in 1796 expressly for the young Beethoven's performance with the cello virtuoso Jean Louis Duport at the Berlin court. That he wasn't eclipsed by the latter was ensured by the extremely scintillating piano part, with which Beethoven the pianist was able to present himself in the best light. Opening with a slow introduction, the Allegro of the F-major sonata dazzles with its abundance of melodies. The following Rondo weds musical wit with playfulness, guaranteeing the sonata's special popularity to this day. The Urtext edition by Jens Dufner is based on his research for the Critical Report of the Beethoven Complete Edition and thus features a musical text at the highest scholarly level. In the preface and Critical Report, he outlines the genesis and source situation of the sonata. Ian Fountain and David Geringas provide the fingerings.

頁數: 62
重量(g): 280.665
UPC: 840126932928
