
Escape 銅管五重奏

來自 Schott Music
$1,930TWD - $1,930TWD
$1,930TWD - $1,930TWD

逃離 "是為馬里蘭大學研究生銅管五重奏而作,在凱文的碩士學位獨奏會結束時首演。自此以後,這首作品廣受歡迎--它令人興奮和振奮,一定會讓全場沸騰。在以史詩般的電影風格繼續飛行之前,對比鮮明的中間部分增添了淒美的舒緩。您將在各種音樂會中經常使用這首樂曲。無論是演奏還是聆聽,都會讓人如癡如醉"

作曲家: McKee Kevin
樂器: 2 trumpets, horn, trombone and tuba
出版社: Balquhidder Music
Escape was written for the University of Maryland graduate brass quintet, and was premiered at the conclusion of Kevin's Masters Degree recital. It has since become a very popular work -- an exciting and invigorating piece that is sure to bring the house down. A contrasting middle section adds poignant relief before the flight resumes in epic, cinematic style. You will use this piece often in widely varied concert settings. A real kick to play and to hear.

重量(g): 160
UPC: 798408065041
