
Arabesque (1978) 銅管五重奏

來自 Schott Music
$2,150TWD - $2,150TWD
$2,150TWD - $2,150TWD

作曲家 1979 年 3 月 27 日星期二晚上在紐約卡內基演奏廳的說明:查理-卓別林(Charlie Chaplin)曾向我們介紹過他的喜劇秘訣:想一個最荒誕的場景,然後把它當作《李爾王》或《佩利亞斯》來導演和表演。既認真又嚴肅。試圖搞笑的器樂曲--迴旋曲、滑稽劇、幽默劇--幾乎總是以歡快結束。阿拉貝斯克》的創作目的就是要讓人感到歡快,並展示出五位優秀的藝術家在閱讀樂譜時所能做到的事情,他們並不在意業界所謂的 "風格""

作曲家: Bennett Robert Russell
樂器: 2 trumpets, horn, trombone and bass trombone
出版社: Maurice River Press
The composer's note from Tuesday evening, March 27, 1979, at Carnegie Recital Hall, New York City: Charlie Chaplin once gave us his recipe for comedy: think of the most ridiculous situation you can, and then direct and play it as though it were King Lear or Pelléas. Dead earnest and dead serious. Instrumental music that tries to be funny—scherzos, burlesques, humoresques—nearly always ends up being merely cheerful. The Arabesque is written to be cheerful and to show what five fine artists, unconcerned with what the trade calls “style,” can do when they read music.

重量(g): 140
UPC: 680160667987
