
Sonatas, Scherzo and Ballades Revised Edition Piano Solo 布拉姆斯 詼諧曲 鋼琴 奏鳴曲 敘事曲 亨乐版

$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD
$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD

這一卷收錄了作品 1、2、4、5 和 10,幾乎囊括了約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯的所有早期鋼琴作品,這位元嶄露頭角的作曲家和鋼琴家就是通過這些作品向公眾介紹自己的。1851 年的作品《小夜曲》(Scherzo op. 勃拉姆斯 1851 年創作的《迴旋曲作品 4》與 1851-53 年間創作的奏鳴曲並列,是羅伯特-舒曼特別喜歡的一首大型單樂章作品,因此他在 1853 年發表的著名文章《新的道路》中將公眾的注意力引向了這位年輕的作曲家。作於次年的四首圓舞曲作品 10 完成了這一卷。勃拉姆斯向克拉拉-舒曼這樣描述這四首圓舞曲:"它們並不難,而且很容易演奏: 勃拉姆斯這樣對克拉拉-舒曼說:"它們並不難,更不難理解"。本Urtext版本根據新的勃拉姆斯全集版本對音樂文本進行了修訂,並由編輯卡特琳-艾希(Katrin Eich)撰寫了詳盡的序言"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Katrin Eich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
With opuses 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10, this volume contains virtually all of Johannes Brahms' early piano oeuvre, with which the budding composer and pianist introduced himself to the public. The Scherzo op. 4 from 1851 stands alongside the sonatas composed between 1851-53 as a substantial single movement that particularly delighted Robert Schumann, leading him to direct the public's special attention to his young colleague in his famous article “New Paths” in 1853. Written the following year, the Four Ballades op. 10 complete the volume. Already they strike a new, more Romantic note that Brahms described to Clara Schumann thus: “They are not very difficult, and even less difficult to understand”. This Urtext edition offers a revision of the musical text based on the new Brahms Complete Edition, with an extensive preface by editor Katrin Eich.

頁數: 160
重量(g): 637.875
UPC: 840126933086
