
Sonatas for Piano and Violin 布拉姆斯 鋼琴 小提琴 奏鳴曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD

約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯很早就開始對小提琴奏鳴曲這一體裁表現出濃厚的興趣。1853 年秋,他向萊比錫出版商提供了一首小提琴奏鳴曲。然而,這部作品被拒絕了,自我批評的勃拉姆斯後來一定是自己毀掉了它。最終,他在成熟期寫出了三首重要的奏鳴曲:作品 78(1878 年夏天)、作品 79(1878 年夏天)、作品 79(1878 年夏天)。作品 78 於 1878/79 年夏天完成,作品 100 和 108 於 1898 年夏天完成。100 和 108 號奏鳴曲是在 1886 年夏天創作的。1853 年,勃拉姆斯與羅伯特-舒曼(Robert Schumann)和阿爾伯特-迪特裡希(Albert Dietrich)共同創作了小提琴奏鳴曲,作為送給小提琴家約瑟夫-約阿希姆(Joseph Joachim)的驚喜禮物。這首小提琴奏鳴曲以 "F.A.E.奏鳴曲 "的名字而聞名於世。"這首小提琴奏鳴曲在激烈的快板部分和感性的小調部分之間形成鮮明對比,是深受喜愛的華彩樂章"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Hans Otto Hiekel
樂器: Piano; Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Brahms: Sonata A major op. 100
Brahms: Sonata d minor op. 108
Brahms: Sonata G major op. 78
Brahms: Scherzo c minor WoO 2

Johannes Brahms began to manifest a keen interest in the genre of the violin sonata at an early age. In fall 1853 he offered the Leipzig publisher a violin sonata in a minor. The work was turned down, however, and the self-critical Brahms must have destroyed it himself later. He ultimately wrote his three major sonatas during his years of maturity: op. 78 in the summers of 1878/79, opp. 100 and 108 in the summer of 1886. The Scherzo in C minor was Brahms' contribution to the violin sonata which he composed jointly with Robert Schumann and Albert Dietrich in 1853 as a surprise gift for the violinist Joseph Joachim, and which is known under the name “F.A.E. Sonata.” With its sharp contrasts between the furious Allegro and emotional Più moderato sections, the Scherzo piece is a beloved bravura showcase.
頁數: 140
重量(g): 711.585
UPC: 884088173951