
Piano Pieces Op. 76 Nos. 1-8 Capriccios C, c#, f#, b Intermezzi A, a , A-flat, B-flat 布拉姆斯 鋼琴 小品 隨想曲 間奏曲 亨乐版

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$600TWD - $600TWD

1878年夏天,勃拉姆斯在沃爾特湖畔的避暑勝地波茨夏赫主要創作了作品76的八首鋼琴曲。勃拉姆斯的摯友希歐多爾-比爾羅斯(Theodor Billroth)對這些新作品充滿了熱情: "這些作品非常優美,演奏起來非常有趣。對於那些稍稍熟悉舒曼和蕭邦技巧的人來說,這些作品非常容易上手,練習它們是一種享受"。由於《鋼琴小品》一卷已於 2011 年作為《約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯全集》(HN 6014)的一部分出版,Henle 現在用這本新書取代之前的 HN 118 卷,以全集的音樂文本介紹這些華麗的小品,並附有詳細介紹其起源和出版情況的揭示性評論

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Katrin Eich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Brahms mainly composed the eight Piano Pieces op. 76 in summer 1878 in the summer resort of Pörtschach at Lake Wörth. Theodor Billroth, a close friend, was enthusiastic about the new works: “These are magnificent pieces, beautiful and interesting to play. They lie so well under the hand for those who are a little used to Schumann's and Chopin's technique that it is a pleasure to practise them.” As the volume “Piano Pieces” was published in 2011 as part of the Johannes Brahms Complete Edition (HN 6014), Henle is now replacing the previous volume HN 118 with this new one, presenting thesemagnificent piecesin the musical text of the Complete Edition, accompanied by revealing commentaries detailing their genesis and publication.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 170.1
UPC: 884088915193
