
Paganini-Variations Op. 35 布拉姆斯 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$950TWD - $950TWD

在 19 世紀,尼科洛-帕格尼尼是演奏家的化身。許多作曲家將他的音樂主題用於自己的創作。約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)同樣毫不猶豫地將小提琴演奏家帕格尼尼的作品作為自己鋼琴作品的基礎,使用帕格尼尼的《A 小調隨想曲第 24 號》(Capriccio no. 帕格尼尼作品 1 中的 A 小調隨想曲第 24 號作為範本。創作於 1862/63 年的這首變奏曲最初只是勃拉姆斯自己的 "手指練習曲",他無意將其出版。幸運的是,幾年後他做出了相反的決定,因此,勃拉姆斯的鋼琴愛好者們可以通過這個Urtext版本欣賞到這首不同尋常的大師級作品。與蕭邦、舒曼和李斯特的同主題變奏曲相比,勃拉姆斯的變奏曲提供了更豐富、更新穎的鋼琴變奏譜系。至於演奏家們是否像克拉拉-舒曼一樣認為這些變奏曲是 "巫婆的變奏曲",那就是他們自己的事了

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Hans Kann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Brahms: Paganini-Variations op. 35

In the 19th century, Nicoló Paganini was the embodiment of the virtuoso. Many composers used his musical themes for their own creative work. Johannes Brahms likewise did not hesitate to use work by Paganini the violin virtuoso as the basis for a composition for his own instrument, the piano, using the Capriccio no. 24 in A minor from Paganini's op. 1 as his model. Brahms initially viewed the Variations, composed in 1862/63, merely as a “finger exercise” for himself, and had no intention of publishing them. After several years he fortunately decided otherwise, and thus with this Urtext edition pianists who are Brahms afficionados can enjoy an unusual virtuoso masterpiece. In contrast to the variations on the same theme by Chopin, Schumann and Liszt, those by Brahms offer a much richer, more novel spectrum of pianistic variations. Whether players find them to be “witches' variations”, as did Clara Schumann, is a matter for them.
頁數: 48
重量(g): 221.13
UPC: 884088175870