
Ballades, Op. 10 Piano 布拉姆斯 鋼琴 敘事曲 亨乐版

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$650TWD - $650TWD

J.G.赫爾德的民歌選集《Stimmen der Völker in Liedern》中的蘇格蘭民謠《愛德華》給勃拉姆斯留下了深刻的印象,正如他對朋友說的那樣,旋律不費吹灰之力就會出現在他的腦海中。"愛德華》為四首圓舞曲中的第一首提供了主題,這些圓舞曲是戲劇性的浪漫音樂故事,與勃拉姆斯對克拉拉-舒曼的回憶息息相關。朱利斯-格林(Julius Grimm)將這些作品獻給了克拉拉-舒曼,他還說:"這些圓舞曲真的是獻給她的"。羅伯特-舒曼對這位元年輕同事的作品充滿熱情。著名鋼琴家拉爾斯-沃格特(Lars Vogt)為我們提供了這首易於演奏的作品的Urtext版本的指法。我們將在即將出版的《勃拉姆斯全集》卷首語之後介紹學術性的音樂文本"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Katrin Eich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Scottish ballad “Edward” from J. G. Herders anthology of folk songs “Stimmen der Völker in Liedern” made such a deep impression on Brahms that, as he told a friend, the melodies came to him effortlessly. “Edward” provided the motif for the first of four ballade compositions, musical tales of a dramatic romantic nature that were linked with memories of Clara Schumann for Brahms. Julius Grimm, to whom the pieces were dedicated, also said that “the Ballades are really for her.” Robert Schumann was very enthusiastic about his young colleague's composition. The renowned pianist Lars Vogt provided fingering for our Urtext edition of this easy-to-play work. We present the scholarly musical text following the soon-to-be-published volume in the Brahms Complete Edition.

頁數: 26
重量(g): 147.42
UPC: 884088511579
