
Brahms: Scherzo, Opus 4 布拉姆斯 詼諧曲 作品

來自 Alfred Music
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$240TWD - $240TWD

約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯現存最早的原創作品《降E小調迴旋曲,作品4》創作於1851年,當時勃拉姆斯只有18歲。這首出色的迴旋曲包含兩個三重奏和一個尾聲,至今仍是勃拉姆斯規模較大的鋼琴獨奏作品之一。國際知名音樂會鋼琴家約瑟夫-巴諾維茨曾師從勃拉姆斯的好友克拉拉-舒曼(Clara Schumann),因此他對這部作品有著特殊的見解"

作曲家: Brahms Johannes
校訂者: Joseph Banowetz
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork
The earliest surviving original composition of Johannes Brahms, Scherzo, Op. 4 in E-flat minor, was composed in 1851 when Brahms was only 18 years old. This brilliant scherzo, with its two trios and a coda, remains one of Brahms’s larger solo piano works. Internationally renowned concert pianist Joseph Banowetz edited this work with a special insight as one of his teachers, Carl Friedberg, studied with Clara Schumann, a close friend of Brahms.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 90.718474
ISBN: 9780739061237
UPC: 38081356921
