
Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge op.10 Arrangement for Piano Duo 布瑞頓 布瑞基主題變奏曲編曲鋼琴二重奏 雙鋼琴 博浩版

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科林-麥克菲斯(Colin McPhees)鋼琴二重奏改編的布裡頓斯早期弦樂名作首次出版。尼古拉斯-克拉克(布裡頓-皮爾斯基金會圖書館館長)在序言中介紹了布裡頓 1937 年原譜的背景,向他的第一位作曲老師弗蘭克-布裡奇致敬,並介紹了布裡頓在薩爾茨堡音樂節演出和希爾弗瑟姆廣播電臺播出後立即在國際上取得的成功。第二次世界大戰爆發後,布裡頓在美國居住三年期間,通過他的美國東道主威廉-梅爾和伊莉莎白-梅爾,首次結識了加拿大民族音樂學家麥克菲(1900-64 年)。1942 年,麥克菲的鋼琴二重奏被用作舞蹈劇團在紐約國家劇院演出的新芭蕾舞劇《金克斯》的伴奏。由於布裡頓當時已踏上返回英國的航程,他沒有親眼目睹自己的音樂被使用,而布裡頓參與編曲的程度也鮮為人知。由於《Moto Perputuo》的手稿僅存一葉,科林-馬修斯(Colin Matthews)對這首變奏曲進行了大量的編輯工作,以便出版"

作曲家: Britten, Benjamin
校訂者: Matthews, Colin / McPhee, Colin Carhart
樂器: 2 pianos
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Introduction and Theme - March - Romance - Aria Italiana - Bourrée Classique - Wiener Walzer - Moto Perpetuo - Funeral March - Chant - Fugue and Finale

First publication of Colin McPhee’s piano duo arrangement of Britten’s early string orchestra masterpiece. The preface, by Nicholas Clark (Librarian at the Britten–Pears Foundation) gives the background to Britten’s original 1937 score, a tribute to his first composition teacher, Frank Bridge, and its immediate international success in performances at the Salzburg Festival and a Radio Hilversum broadcast. Britten first met the Canadian ethnomusicologist McPhee (1900–64) through his American hosts William and Elizabeth Mayer during his three-year residence in the USA at the outbreak of the Second World War. McPhee’s piano duo arrangement was used as the accompaniment to a new ballet, Jinx, performed by the Dance Players at the National Theater, New York, in 1942. Britten did not witness this use of his music as by then he had embarked on his return voyage to England, and little is known of the extent of Britten’s involvement in the arrangement. As only a single leaf of manuscript for the Moto Perputuo exists, extensive editorial work on this variation was undertaken for the present publication by Colin Matthews.
頁數: 144
重量(g): 470
ISMN: 9790060130939
ISBN: 9781784541606