
Two Diversions 卡特 鋼琴獨奏 博浩版

$680TWD - $680TWD
$680TWD - $680TWD

這兩首鋼琴曲'二重奏'在同時出現的音樂思想之間形成了越來越強烈的對比。第一首'分流'呈現了一排成對的音符、音程,始終保持單一的速度,而另一首變化多端的樂曲則使用了多種不同的速度和音色。第二個 "分流 "對比了兩條音樂線,其中一條整體上越來越慢,而另一條則越來越快。艾略特-卡特 "說

作曲家: Carter, Elliott
樂器: piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
These 'Two Diversions' for piano deal with a growing contrast between simultaneous musical ideas. The first 'Diversion' presents a line of paired notes, musical intervals, that maintain a single speed throughout, while the other very changeable material uses many different speeds and characters. The second 'Diversion' contrasts two musical lines one of which, on the whole, grows slower and slower while the other grows faster and faster. With these musical ideas about diverging materials, I hope I have written diverting music.Elliot Carter

頁數: 16
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790051246243
ISBN: 9781423410386
UPC: 884088054458
