
Tuireadh 麥克米倫.詹姆士 總譜 博浩版

$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

Tuireadh "在蓋爾語中是亡者哀歌(或安魂曲)的意思,這部作品是獻給 "派珀阿爾法 "號空難的遇難者及其家屬的。1988 年 7 月 6 日晚,位於北海的派珀阿爾法海上油氣平臺發生火災。大火無法控制,疏散計畫也不完善,結果許多人喪生,還有一些人不得不從海上獲救。作曲家評論說,他的靈感特別來自於他收到的一封信,信中一位死者的母親動情地講述了她去現場參加追悼會的情景。母親在信中動情地寫道,她曾到現場參加一個追悼儀式,這個儀式成了那些尚未找到親人的人的一種儀式,母親描述了聚集在船上的哀悼者是如何自發地發出慟哭聲的。Tuireadh 試圖用音樂捕捉這種悲痛的流露,並暗指蘇格蘭傳統音樂中各種哀歌形式的音程和裝飾原型"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: clarinets-Quintett or clarinet and string orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Tuireadh is Gaelic for a lament (or requiem) for the dead, and this work is dedicated to the victims of the Piper Alpha disaster and their families. On the evening of 6 July 1988 a fire broke out on the Piper Alpha off-shore oil and gas platform located in the North Sea. The fire was uncontrollable and evacuation plans inadequate, and as a result many men died and others had to be rescued from the sea. The composer comments that he was specifically inspired by a letter he received from the mother of one of the dead men in which she wrote movingly of her visit to the scene for a memorial service. The ceremony became a rite of passage for those whose loved ones had not been found, and the mother described how a spontaneous keening sound rose gently from the mourners assembled on the boat. Tuireadh attempts to capture this outpouring of grief in music and makes allusions to the intervallic and ornamental archetypes of various lament-forms from Scottish traditional music.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790060116582
UPC: 884088149178
