
Piano Concerto No. 3 巴爾托克 鋼琴協奏曲 雙鋼琴 博浩版

$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

巴托克在 1945 年夏天寫下了《第三鋼琴協奏曲》,打算作為 10 月 31 日送給妻子迪塔的生日禮物。當時他已身患重病,但他還是完成了樂譜,只有最後 17 個小節例外,他用一種音樂速記法記下了這 17 個小節。最後十七小節由他的朋友和學生蒂博爾-塞利(Tibor Serly)破譯並譜寫。在巴托克的樂譜中只發現了一些表情記號和節奏指示,沒有節拍器記號。為了完整地呈現這部作品,蒂博爾-塞利、指揮首演的尤金-奧曼迪、路易士-肯特納和埃爾溫-斯坦因在認為必要的情況下添加了標記。有關修訂內容的詳細討論,請參閱已出版的指揮家樂譜修訂版的編輯注釋"

作曲家: Bartok, Bela
樂器: piano and orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Bartók wrote his Piano Concerto No. 3 during the summer of 1945, intending it as a birthday present to be given to his wife, Ditta, on 31st October. By this time he was already gravely ill; however, he was able to finish the score, with the exception of the last seventeen bars, which he noted in a kind of musical shorthand. These last seventeen bars were deciphered and scored by his friend and pupil Tibor Serly. Only a few expression marks and tempo indications, and no metronome marks, were found in Bartók's score. Had he lived on, there is no doubt that he would have edited the concerto as meticulously as was his habit.In order to give a complete picture of the work, such markings as were deemed necessary were added by Tibor Serly; by Eugene Ormandy, who conducted the first performance; by Louis Kentner; and by Erwin Stein.In preparing this Revised Edition, all extant sources have been examined and compared with the previously printed edition. For full discussion of the amendments reference should be made to the Editorial Notes to the Revised Edition of the published conductor's score.

頁數: 100
重量(g): 130
ISMN: 9790060011313
UPC: 73999997880
