
Elena Riu's R&B Collection 17 contemporary piano pieces inspired by R&B 鋼琴小品 4手聯彈(含以上) 博浩版

$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

這是為中級演奏者新創作的鋼琴曲集,靈感來源於各種表現形式的 R&B 主題,由鋼琴家兼教師 Elena Riu 編輯。Riu 以其富有想像力的編曲方法和為鋼琴演奏會注入新活力的能力而聞名。曲目包括 包括莎莉-比米什、哈威-布拉夫、彼得-考德雷、胡裡奧-德-埃斯克裡凡、西蒙-埃勒頓、道格拉斯-芬奇、羅爾夫-海因德、埃琳娜-卡茨-切甯、安娜-拉拉、菲力浦-尼爾-馬丁、羅拉-佩林、尼克-雷德芬、埃琳娜-裡烏、大衛-羅森博姆、休-沃倫、馬特-賴特和尼基-楊的作品"

編者: Riu, Elena
樂器: piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

H. Warren: Open - D. Finch: Ode to sun Ra - H. Brough: Elena's Blives - C. Ellerton: Remix - A. Lara: Caminata de Pastelito - E. Kats-Chernin: Fleeting Beauty - D. Rosenboom: Kicking little Shadows - R. Hind: Off the Wall - M. Wright: Monsta - E. Riu: Dr. and Mr. H's Cheer-to-Cheer Midnight Rave - P.N. Martin: Rhythm, fallin' Blues - L. Perrin: Breakfast in Milestown - S. Beamish: Back to the River - P. Cowdrey: Miranda's Blues - N. Refern: Pastel's Song - J. d'Escrivan: Funkyjump - N. Yeoh: Missy Lare

A collection of newly-composed piano pieces for the intermediate performer, inspired by the theme of R&B in all its manifestations and compiled by pianist and teacher Elena Riu. Riu is known for her imaginative approach to arranging and her ability to inject new excitement into piano recitals. Includes pieces by: Sally Beamish, Harvey Brough, Peter Cowdrey, Julio d'Escrivan, Cimeon Ellerton, Douglas Finch, Rolf Hind, Elena Kats-Chernin, Ana Lara, Phillip Neil Martin, Lola Perrin, NickRedfern, Elena Riu, David Rosenboom, Huw Warren, Matt Wright, and Nikki Yeoh.
頁數: 48
重量(g): 200
ISMN: 9790060118814
UPC: 884088416782