
Zala ainava (Green Scenery (Summer)) 瓦斯克斯 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

綠色風景》(Zala ainava)是鋼琴曲集《四季》(Die Jahreszeiten)的最後一部分,其中包括《秋天的音樂》(Rudens muzika)、《白色風景》(Balta ainava)和《春天的音樂》(Pavasara muzika)。各種形式的自然以及人與自然的關係在 Peteris Vasks 的音樂中佔有重要地位。Zala ainava》的音域範圍從輕柔的鋼琴聲到爆發性的和絃群。為了讓拉脫維亞鋼琴家維斯塔德-希姆庫斯(Vestard Shimkus)在世界範圍內首演整部作品,瓦斯克斯創作了一首安可曲《Vasaras vakara muzika》,這首曲子也可以單獨演奏,是夏日夜晚令人回味無窮的音樂

作曲家: Vasks, Peteris
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
Zala ainava (Green Landscape) is the final part of the cycle Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons), a collection for piano with the pieces Rudens muzika (Autumn Music), Balta ainava (White Landscape) and Pavasara muzika (Spring Music). Nature in all its forms and the relation of man to nature play a major role in Peteris Vasks' music. The sound spectrum in Zala ainava ranges from soft pianissimo to eruptive chord clusters. Thus, acoustic images describing nature in summer are created within the listener.For the widely noticed world premiere of the entire cycle by the Latvian pianist Vestard Shimkus, Vasks composed an encore, Vasaras vakara muzika, which can also be performed alone - evocative music for a mild summer evening.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790001172998
