
Violin Concerto in B Minor, Op. 35 Violin and Piano Reduction 協奏曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$500TWD - $500TWD

奧斯卡-雷丁(Oskar Rieding)這個名字可能很少出現在音樂會的曲目中,但對於小提琴學生來說,這個名字卻更加耳熟能詳。時至今日,他在二十世紀初專門為小提琴初學者創作的小提琴和鋼琴音樂會短曲仍在課程和課堂演奏會中佔有一席之地。作品 35 中的 B 小調協奏曲僅限於第一位置,非常適合初學者。本Urtext版本以第一次印刷為基礎,編輯安妮特-奧珀曼(Annette Oppermann)得到了天才的支持;斯洛維尼亞裡丁專家瑪魯薩-祖潘契奇(Marusa Zupancic)撰寫了一篇關於這位鮮為人知的作曲家的有趣序言"

作曲家: Oscar Rieding
校訂者: Annette Oppermann
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The name Oskar Rieding may seldom appear in concert programs, but for students of the violin it is all the more familiar. To this day, his short concert pieces for violin and piano, written at the start of the twentieth century especially for beginners on the instrument, have maintained their place in lessons and class recitals. Restricted to the first position, the B-minor Concerto, op. 35, is ideal for beginners. For this Urtext edition, based on the first printing, editor Annette Oppermann received talented support; the Slovenian Rieding specialist Marusa Zupancic contributes an interesting preface on the little-known composer.

頁數: 14
重量(g): 102.06
UPC: 888680991609
