
Vers la flamme (Poème), Op. 72 斯克里亞賓 詩曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$570TWD - $570TWD

斯克裡亞賓將音樂視為藝術綜合體的一部分,將人們的意識提升到更高水準的理想,在其晚期作品 "Vers la flamme" op. 72. 這首詩以靜態、粗糙的和絃開場,然後緩慢而穩定地從深淵上升到光明的頂端。不同層次的聲音在變化的節奏中逐漸高低起伏,形成一種吸力般的張力。結尾處,顫音和扇子高聳入雲,管弦樂的烈焰熊熊燃燒。斯克裡亞賓專家瓦倫蒂娜-魯布科娃(Valentina Rubcova)在這套 Henle Urtext 版本的隨附文本中對這部令人浮想聯翩的作品進行了深入淺出的講解"

作曲家: Alexander Scriabin
校訂者: Michael Schneidt
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Scriabin's ideal of music as part of a synthesis of the arts, raising people to a higher level of consciousness, is particularly apparent in his late work “Vers la flamme” op. 72. The poème opens with static, rough chords, and then slowly but steadily rises from the depths to the bright light above. Diverse levels of sound in changing rhythms gradually move above one another and create a suction-like tension. At the close, tremolos and fanfares tower up to a blazing conflagration of orchestral intensity. The Scriabin expert Valentina Rubcova knowledgeably sheds light on this suggestive work in the accompanying texts to this Henle Urtext edition.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 85.05
UPC: 884088660253
