
Undine Sonata op. 167 Sonata for Flute and Piano 萊內克 水妖奏鳴曲 奏鳴曲長笛鋼琴 長笛加鋼琴 維也納原典版

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$850TWD - $850TWD

為長笛和鋼琴而作的《恩丁奏鳴曲》是作曲家卡爾-萊內克為數不多的作品之一,至今仍被經常演奏,同時也是為數不多的橫笛浪漫主義曲目之一。乍一看,這首作品並不明顯屬於程式音樂,有時甚至會被同時代的人質疑為程式音樂,但它的主題卻與 19 世紀流行的歌劇主題 "Undine "如出一轍。現在,Wiener Urtext Edition 出版了這部作品的新版本,該版本緊扣原版文本(遺憾的是,手稿資料已不復存在)。詮釋注釋沿用了音樂之外的曲目,試圖將作品及其詮釋理解與 Undine 主題緊密聯繫起來"

作曲家: Reinecke, Carl
編者: Capelle, Irmlind
校訂者: Roggenkamp, Peter
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Allegro - Allegretto vivace - Più lento, quasi Andante - Allegretto vivace - Andante tranquillo - Molto vivace - Allegro molto agitato ed appassionato, quasi Presto - Un poco più tranquillo - Più lento

The Undine Sonata for flute and piano is one of the few works by the composer Carl Reinecke which is regularly performed even today, and is at the same time one of the few Romantic repertoire pieces for transverse flute. Although not obviously programme music at first glance, and sometimes even questioned as such by contemporaries, the work nevertheless falls back on the Undine subject which was a popular opera theme in the 19th century. The Wiener Urtext Edition now presents a new publication of the work which closely follows the text of the original edition (unfortunately, manuscript sources are not extant). The notes on interpretation follow the tracks of the extra-musical programme, trying to bring the work and its interpretative understanding into close connection with the Undine subject.
頁數: 62
重量(g): 300
ISMN: 9790500572626
ISBN: 9783850556040
UPC: 800522001673