
Undine Sonata op. 167 Sonata for Clarinet and Piano 萊內克 水妖奏鳴曲 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 豎笛 1把以上加鋼琴 維也納原典版

$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

卡爾-萊奈克的《恩丁》作為長笛與鋼琴奏鳴曲於 1882 年出版,至今仍是他最常演奏的作品之一。1885 年,萊奈克又出版了單簧管與鋼琴的版本,其中鋼琴部分保持不變,而長笛部分則根據單簧管的技術和音調特質進行了調整。因此,萊奈克為單簧管與鋼琴的小曲目增添了一部引人注目的作品。目前的版本是根據 Wiener Urtext Edition 系列出版的長笛和鋼琴版本製作的,該版本以德文和英文初版為基礎,將長笛部分換成了 1885 年出版的單簧管編曲。專為單簧管版本編寫的詮釋說明既考慮到了歷史上適當的演奏技巧,也考慮到了音樂文本、音樂外節目和演奏實踐方面的問題。可靠的音樂文本、優化的翻頁和舒適的概覽是當前版本在形式和排版方面的基本特徵"

作曲家: Reinecke, Carl
編者: Capelle, Irmlind
校訂者: Roggenkamp, Peter
樂器: clarinet and piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition
Carl Reinecke's 'Undine' was published in 1882 as a sonata for flute and piano and to this day is one of his most frequently played works. In 1885 Reinecke also published a version for clarinet and piano in which the piano part remained unchanged whereas the flute part was adjusted to the technical and tonal qualities of the clarinet. Thus, Reinecke was able to add a striking work to the small clarinet-piano repertoire. The current edition is based on the version for flute and piano, published in the Wiener Urtext Edition series, which, is based on the German and English first edition, exchanging the flute part for the clarinet arrangement published in 1885. Notes on interpretation specially written for the clarinet version take into account both historically adequate playing techniques and questions regarding the musical text, extra-musical programme and performance practice. A reliable musical text, optimised page turns and a comfortable overview are essential features of the current edition with regard to form and layout.

頁數: 80
重量(g): 420
ISMN: 9790500572947
ISBN: 9783850556699
UPC: 800522002298
