
Trumpeter for a solo instrument 白瑞.傑拉德 小號 樂器 小號獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$350TWD - $350TWD
$350TWD - $350TWD

小號手是用小號發信號的騎兵或炮兵。(吉羅德-巴里,1998 年)這首樂曲可以用以下任何一種樂器以不同的轉調演奏。如果用絃樂器演奏,則不應使用顫音。 該曲可由長笛、中音長笛、低音長笛、短笛、雙簧管、安格萊斯短笛、單簧管、低音單簧管、低音單簧管、巴松管、低音管、小號、圓號、長號、大號、任何其他銅管樂隊樂器、口風琴、馬特諾琴、協奏曲、風笛、管鐘、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴演奏。例如,如果由康特巴松管演奏,本版中的版本應將音調降低兩個八度和一個小六度,這樣旋律中的最低音就是降 B 調,即康特巴松管的最低音

作曲家: Barry, Gerald
樂器: any instrument
出版社: Schott Music
A trumpeter is a cavalry or artillery soldier who gives signals with a trumpet. (Gerald Barry, 1998)This piece may be performed on any of the following instruments in different transpositions. If played by a string instrument, there should be no vibrato. It may be played by Flute, Alto Flute, Bass Flute, Piccolo, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Clarinet, Basset Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Contrabassoon, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba, any other Brass Band instrument, Mouth Organ, Ondes Martenot, Concertina, Bagpipes, Tubular Bells, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.In thinking of the register in which to play it, thought should be given to the drama and colour of the instrument involved. For example, if it were played by a Contrabassoon, the version in this edition should be transposed down two octaves and a minor 6th, so that the lowest note in the melody is B flat, the lowest note on the Contrabassoon.

頁數: 4
重量(g): 50
ISMN: 9790220135538
UPC: 841886024687
