
Sur terre, en l'air op. 64 Three Pieces 哥爾.亞力山大 小品 中提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

在 1997 年奧爾德伯格音樂節上為中提琴和管弦樂隊排練《Schlussgesang》時,我構思了這首作品的標題,其內部韻律可以恰當地描述中提琴演奏家塔貝亞。夏天晚些時候,我創作了一首安多舞曲,其中的快板部分對比鮮明,是這三首樂曲中的第一首。緊接著,我又創作了第二首類似於迴旋曲的樂曲,並改編了《Schlussgesang》第五樂章作為終曲,這首樂曲是為了紀念我的老師奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen)而作,標題為'Kein Gedanke, nur ruhiger Schlaf [沒有思想,只有安靜的睡眠],歌詞摘自弗朗茨-卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)寫在筆記本上的片段'"

作曲家: Goehr, Alexander
樂器: viola and piano
出版社: Schott Music
During the rehearsals for Schlussgesang for viola and orchestra performed at the 1997 Aldeburgh Festival, I conceived of the title of this present composition, with its internal rhyme, as an appropriate way of describing Tabea, the viola player. Later in the summer I composed an Andante, with a contrasting faster section which is the first of these three pieces. Immediately afterwards, I added a second, a scherzo-like piece, and for a finale made a transcription of the fifth movement of Schlussgesang, written in memory of my teacher Olivier Messiaen and titled Kein Gedanke, nur ruhiger Schlaf [no thought, only quiet sleep], the words taken from a fragment written down in a notebook by Franz Kafka.'

頁數: 26
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790220119439
