
Saxophone Concerto Op. 109 in E Flat for Alto Sax and Piano 葛拉祖諾夫 薩氏管 中音薩氏管 鋼琴

$1,220TWD - $1,220TWD
$1,220TWD - $1,220TWD

亞歷山大-格拉祖諾夫(Alexandre Glazounov,1865-1936 年)於 1934 年為中音薩克斯管創作的這首《降 E 調協奏曲》(Eb Concerto)長達 14 分鐘,是獻給著名薩克斯管演奏家和獨奏家西格穆德-M-拉舍爾(Sigmud M. Rasher)的作品。該協奏曲最初為薩克斯管和絃樂而作,儘管 1936 年改編為薩克斯管和鋼琴的出版物中提到了安德列-佩蒂奧(1886-1976 年)的名字,但並未提及第二位作曲家。協奏曲以 4/4 調式的中板快板開始,隨後是以 3/4 調式為主的降 C 大調安ante 過渡曲,最後以 12/8 調式的賦格曲結束。這首協奏曲的首次公開演出是在作者去世後,在巴黎舉行的。亞歷山大-格拉祖諾夫(1865-1936 年)是俄羅斯著名的浪漫主義作曲家。他被視為神童,在別利亞耶夫的指導下創作了芭蕾舞劇、協奏曲和交響曲,後來成為聖彼德堡音樂學院院長。他對斯特拉文斯基和肖斯塔科維奇的音樂生涯影響深遠,1936 年在巴黎附近去世。這首協奏曲是薩克斯管浪漫主義曲目中的經典之作"

作曲家: Alexander Glazunov
樂器: Piano Accompaniment; Alto Sax
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Saxophone Concerto Op.109

Written in 1934 by Alexandre Glazounov (1865-1936), this Eb Concerto for alto saxophone is a fourteen-minute piece dedicated to Sigmud M. Rasher, a famous saxophonist and soloist. Initially composed for saxophone and strings, there was no mention of a second composer, even though the 1936 publication adapted for saxophone and piano mentioned the name by André Petiot (1886-1976). The concerto starts with an Allegro moderato in 4/4, followed by an Andante transition mainly in C flat major at 3/4, and ending on a Fugato in 12/8. The first performance of this concerto in public occurred after the death of its author, in Paris. Alexandre Glazounov (1865-1936) is a famous Russian romantic composer. Considered as a prodigy and mentored by Belyayev, he composed ballets, concertos, symphonies and later became director of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory. He had a strong influence on Stravinsky's and Shostakovich's careers and died near Paris, in 1936. This concerto is a classical piece of the saxophone romantic repertoire.
頁數: 24
重量(g): 155.925
UPC: 888680787585