
Ruach 5779 The Best of Contemporary Jewish Rock and Pop 流行音樂

$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

Ruach 5779》收錄了當今最受歡迎的猶太音樂新秀。他們極富感染力的現代猶太搖滾和流行歌曲是任何場合的必備曲目。這些曲調將成為您猶太生活背景音樂的一部分!這套非凡的當代猶太青年音樂集將為你提供新的創意和音樂旋律,讓你和你的社區永遠流連忘返!發現來自當代猶太音樂新秀和一些最受歡迎人物的最新曲調。包括艾拉娜-阿裡安、諾亞-阿倫森、羅布-阿倫森、安迪-鄧南、埃莉-弗利爾、安德魯-戈爾茨坦、艾倫-古迪斯、露西-格林鮑姆、哈達爾和謝爾敦、諾姆-卡茨、雅各-斯派克-克勞斯、喬什-尼爾森、希蒙-史密斯、喬什-沃蕭斯基和科琳-迪亞克的音樂。此外還包括《Ruach》系列索引,涵蓋了迄今為止的所有卷冊。平裝本,裝訂卡上有音訊下載代碼,56 頁,8.5 英寸 x 11 英寸"

作曲家: Various
樂器: Melody/Lyrics/Chords
出版社: Transcontinental Music Publications
Ruach 5779 features today's up-and-coming and most popular Jewish music artists. Their infectious contemporary Jewish rock and pop songs are sure-fire hits for any setting. These tunes will become part of the soundtrack of your Jewish life! This remarkable collection of contemporary Jewish youth music will provide you with new ideas and musical earworms that will stay with you and your community forever! Discover the newest tunes from new names and some of the most popular names in contemporary Jewish music. Includes music from Elana Arian, Noah Aronson, Rob Aronson, Andy Dennen, Ellie Flier, Andrew Goldstein, Alan Goodis, Lucy Greenbaum, Hadar and Sheldon, Noam Katz, Jacob Spike Kraus, Josh Nelson, Shimon Smith, and Josh Warshawsky and Coleen Dieker. Also included is the Ruach series index, encompassing all volumes heretofore. Paperback with audio download code on bind-in card, 56 pages, 8.5″ x 11″.

尺寸(cm): 27.94cm*21.59cm
頁數: 56
重量(g): 192.78
EAN: 9780960082711
UPC: 840126956344
