
Piano Quartet in A minor 馬勒古斯塔夫 鋼琴四重奏 亨乐版

$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

馬勒的名字與交響樂和抒情詩密切相關,但他在學習期間對室內樂的投入卻鮮為人知。他在室內樂領域的眾多嘗試中,只有一首在 1876 年至 1878 年間創作的鋼琴四重奏流傳了下來--其中只有第一樂章的全部內容。後者直到 20 世紀 60 年代才被重新發現,並於 1973 年首次出版。儘管勃拉姆斯無疑是他的楷模,但這首四重奏樂章包含了足夠多的個性和非傳統元素--例如對鋼琴近乎交響樂的處理--因此Henle將其納入了他們的Urtext行列。此外,他們還 "出於研究目的 "在附錄中加入了馬勒的另一個樂章的片段草圖,即同一樂器的迴旋曲

作曲家: Gustav Mahler
校訂者: Christoph Flamm
樂器: Piano Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The name Mahler is so closely associated with the symphony and Lied genres that it is little known how intensively he applied himself to chamber music during his studies. Of his numerous attempts in this field only one piano quartet composed between 1876 and 1878 has survived - and of this merely the first movement in its entirety. The latter was only rediscovered in the 1960s and first published in 1973. Even if Brahms is unmistakably his model, the quartet movement contains enough individual and also unconventional elements - such as the almost symphonic treatment of the piano - for Henle to incorporate it into their Urtext ranks. In addition, they have included an appendix “for study purposes” with Mahler's fragmentary sketch for a further movement, a scherzo for the same instrumentation.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 218.295
UPC: 888680601157

