
Nigun Anthology Volume 3: Collection of Soulful Jewish Melodies Book with Audio Download

$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD
$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD

尼貢充滿靈魂和靈感,體現了猶太精神的核心,有助於在禮拜、音樂會或安息日餐桌旁營造氣氛和團結。尼貢選集》彙集了(大部分)無字猶太旋律和禮儀設置,風格多樣,充滿活力,獨具特色。尼貢選集》系列不斷提供新舊有字和無字旋律,包括每首歌曲錄音的配套專輯下載。當代作曲家和作詞家新創作的曲調與狂喜的傳統 Chasidic 曲調並駕齊驅,為敬拜和社區活動提供了歡樂和心靈的源泉。對於那些不熟悉尼姑音樂豐富多彩的歷史的人來說,著名民族音樂學家猶大-科恩(Judah Cohen)撰寫的《前言》將帶您瞭解尼姑音樂的最新情況。尼姑音選集》系列是世界上最全面的尼姑音作品集。8.5 英寸 x 11 英寸平裝本,裝訂卡上有音訊下載代碼,共 76 頁,包括注釋、作曲家和標題卷索引"

作曲家: Various
樂器: Melody/Lyrics/Chords
出版社: Transcontinental Music Publications
Soulful and inspirational, the nigun embodies the core of the Jewish spirit and helps create atmosphere and unity in worship, concert, or around the Shabbat table. Nigun Anthology is a diverse, dynamic, and distinctive compilation of (mostly) wordless Jewish melodies and liturgical settings. Including a download of the accompanying album featuring recordings of every song, the NIGUN ANTHOLOGY series is an ongoing supply of both new and old worded and wordless melodies. Newly composed tunes by contemporary composers and songwriters are featured alongside ecstatic traditional Chasidic tunes, all offering a source of joy and soulful moments in worship and community. For those unfamiliar with the colorful history behind nigunim, the Forward by noted ethnomusicologist Judah Cohen will bring you up to date. The Nigun Anthology series forms the world's most comprehensive collection of nigunim. 8.5″ x 11″ paperback with audio download code on bind-in card, 76 pages including notational, composer, and title volume indexes.

尺寸(cm): 27.94cm*21.59cm
頁數: 76
重量(g): 235.305
EAN: 9780960082728
UPC: 840126956368
