
Michael Hunter Ochs Anthology Book with Online Video

$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD
$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

邁克爾-亨特-奧克斯的歌曲是靈感繆斯通過他送給我們的禮物,以簡單而普遍的方式闡明了人類獨有的深刻真理。他的旋律藝術性強、易於傳唱且極富表現力,與之相匹配的是同樣精彩的抒情內容,對猶太主題、禮儀和生活提供了難得的見解。邁克爾-亨特-奧克斯選集》中的許多歌曲在世界各地的猶太人和跨宗教團體的心中找到了自己的歸宿。通過音樂尋求與猶太教的精神聯繫和團結的靈魂將找到愛、社區和共同經歷的主題。這本跨越職業生涯的作品集包含一個代碼和網站連結,其中有邁克爾表演和講述選集作品的定制視頻,每首作品的詳細作者注釋,以及如何利用這本非凡的猶太音樂目錄的參考索引。8.5 英寸 x 11 英寸平裝本,100 頁"

作曲家: Michael Hunter Ochs
樂器: Melody/Lyrics/Chords
出版社: Transcontinental Music Publications
A Michael Hunter Ochs song is a gift to us sent through him by an inspired muse, illuminating the deeply profound truths unique to the human condition in a simple and universal way. His artful, singable, and highly expressive melodies are matched with equally brilliant lyrical content that offers rare insight into Jewish subjects, liturgy, and life. The many songs in the Michael Hunter Ochs Anthology have found their home in the hearts of Jewish and interfaith communities across the world. Souls seeking a spiritual connection to their Judaism and togetherness through music will find themes of love, community, and shared experience. This career-spanning collection includes a code and link to a web site featuring custom videos of Michael performing and speaking about the Anthology's works, detailed author's notes on each composition, and a resourceful index with ideas on how to make use of this remarkable catalog of Jewish music. 8.5″ x 11″ paperback, 100 pages.

尺寸(cm): 27.94cm*21.59cm
頁數: 100
重量(g): 294.84
EAN: 9780960082735
UPC: 840126956283
