
Melodies Choisies (book/download Card Al30693) 佛瑞

$1,210TWD - $1,210TWD
$1,210TWD - $1,210TWD

"一個多世紀以來廣受音樂愛好者好評的《加布裡埃爾-福雷(1845-1924 年)歌曲選》在此收錄成選集,並附有下載卡形式的音訊版本。Au bord de leau》和《Ici bas》節選自 1879 年出版的第一集,蘇利-普魯德霍姆(Sully Prudhommes)簡潔的詩句散發著內在遐想的光環,和聲的細膩與聲樂的流暢構成了福雷魅力的精髓。第二卷(1897 年)中所選的一些聲樂篇章仍然深受喜愛: Les Roses dIspahan》恢復了夢幻般的靜謐,《Les Berceaux》的擺動讓人聯想到小船的搖擺,還有令人懷念的《月光曲》,在這首曲子中,凡爾蘭的歌詞首次配上音樂,激發了福雷的創作靈感,並成為他的代表作之一: 美好的香頌》。在這首沉醉於繾綣抒情的迴圈樂曲中,本作品集保留了《Puisque laube grandit》(這是一首高尚的旋律)和《La lune blanche luit dans les bois》(這是一首升 F 大調的夜間風景),這兩首珍珠樂曲同樣蘊含著神秘的慰藉""

作曲家: Gabriel Fauré
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Widely acclaimed by music lovers for over a century, Selected Songs of Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) are here collected into an anthology, complete with an audio version in the form of a download card. Excerpted from the 1st collection published in 1879, Au bord de leau and Ici bas bestow an aura of internal reverie on Sully Prudhommes simple poems, made palpËable by the harmonic refinement and vocal fluidity that constitutes the very essence of Faurean charm. Several vocal pages selected in the 2nd volume (1897) continue to be favourites: Les Roses dIspahan restored to their dreamy stillness, Les Berceaux whose oscillation evokes the swaying of boats, and the very nostalgic Clair de lune in which Verlaines words, set to music for the first time, inspired Fauré to write what would become one of his masterpieces: La Bonne Chanson. From this cycle, drunk on lovelorn lyricism, the collection retains Puisque laube grandit, an exalted melody if there ever was one, and La lune blanche luit dans les bois, a nocturnal landscape in F sharp major two pearls that distil the same mystery of solace.”

頁數: 47
重量(g): 226.8
UPC: 888680828363
