
Impromptus op. posth. 142 D 935 Edited from the autograph and first edition 舒伯特 即興曲 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

弗朗茨-舒伯特的《即興曲作品142號後》(D 935)是他最常演奏的鋼琴作品之一,在音樂課和音樂會曲目中佔有永久地位。現在,Wiener Urtext Edition 推出了涵蓋最新音樂學研究成果的新版本。該版本緊扣舒伯特的原稿,對許多細節進行了補充和修正。該版本還收錄了羅伯特-D-列文(Robert D. Levin)的釋義注釋,其中對表情記號最微妙的含義進行了深入探討。樂譜和頁面配置的設計也非常人性化"

作曲家: Schubert, Franz
編者: Leisinger, Ulrich
校訂者: Badura-Skoda, Paul
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Vorwort - Impromptu Nr. 1 f-Moll op. post. 142,1 D 935 - Impromptu Nr. 2 As-Dur op. post. 142,2 D 935 - Impromptu Nr. 3 B-Dur op. post. 142,3 D 935 - Impromptu Nr. 4 f-Moll op. post. 142,4 D 935 - Kritische Anmerkungen

Franz Schubert's Impromptus Op. post 142 (D 935) are among his most frequently played piano works and have found a permanent place in music lessons and in the concert repertoire. The Wiener Urtext Edition now presents a new edition covering the latest musicological research. Closely following Schubert's original manuscript, numerous details have been added to and corrected in the text. This edition now also includes notes on interpretation by Robert D. Levin which look even into the most subtle shades of meaning of expression markings. The score and page layout have been designed in a user-friendly way.
頁數: 56
重量(g): 220
ISMN: 9790500573975
ISBN: 9783850557764
UPC: 800522003349
