
Iberia - First Book Piano Solo 阿爾貝尼士 鋼琴 伊比利亞 亨乐版

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$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD

"具有普遍意義的西班牙音樂"。這就是伊薩克-阿爾貝尼斯的創作目標,他在伊比利亞組曲中完美地實現了這一目標。這部晚期浪漫主義傑作的全部四個 "本子 "終於將以名副其實的Urtext版本發行,其外觀和雕刻都堪稱一流。喚醒》、《波多黎各》和《塞維利亞之歌》(Fúte-Dieu à Séville)是第一卷中的三首曲子,它們的技巧易於掌握,尤其受歡迎。欣賞這些樂曲時,就像欣賞德彪西筆下的伊比利亞一樣: 他曾寫道:"人們閉上眼睛,就會被這音樂中豐富的創造力所迷惑!"

作曲家: Isaac Albeniz
校訂者: Norbert Gertsch
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Albéniz: Iberia First Book

“Spanish music with a universal touch.” That is what Isaac Albéniz set out to compose, and he brought it off to perfection in his Iberia Suite. At last all four “books” of this late-romantic masterpiece will be issued in an Urtext edition worthy of the name, with top-quality appearance and engraving. Being manageable in their technique, Evocation, El Puerto, and Fúte-Dieu à Séville – the three pieces in volume 1 – are especially popular. Enjoy these pieces in the same manner as Debussy, who wrote of Iberia: “One closes one's eyes and is bedazzled by the sheer wealth of invention in this music!”
頁數: 52
重量(g): 215.46
UPC: 884088177676