
French Overture BWV 831/831a Versions in C Minor BWV 831a and B Minor BWV 831 巴赫約翰‧瑟巴斯提安 法國序曲 小調 小調 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

$500TWD - $500TWD
$500TWD - $500TWD

所謂的'法國序曲'BWV 831 和'義大利協奏曲'F 大調 BWV 971 構成了約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫 Clavier-Übung 的第二部分。為了盡可能明確兩種風格之間的差異,巴赫選擇了 B 小調作為序曲的調性,並將幾年前才寫給鑒賞家們的 C 小調交響曲轉調。考慮到巴赫在複製原作時改變了許多細節,並使演奏練習的指示更為精確,因此對兩個版本進行比較就變得尤為有趣"

作曲家: Bach, Johann Sebastian
編者: Leisinger, Ulrich
校訂者: Behringer, Michael
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Französische Ouverture c-Moll BWV 831a - Französische Ouverture h-Moll BWV 831

The so-called 'French overture' BWV 831 along with the 'Italian concerto ' F major BWV 971 form the second part of the Clavier-Übung by Johann Sebastian Bach. To make the difference between the two styles as clear as possible Bach chose the tonality of B minor for the overture and transposed a clavier-suite in C minor, which had been written for connoisseurs only a few years before. The comparison between the two versions becomes particularly interesting in view of the fact that Bach changed many details of the original work when copying it and made performance practice indications more precise.
頁數: 56
重量(g): 240
ISMN: 9790500572022
ISBN: 9783850556033
