
Fantasia on Polish Airs Op. 13 for Piano and Orchestra Chopin National Edition 蕭邦 幻想曲 鋼琴 管弦樂團

來自 PWM Edition
$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

這以一種略帶感傷的方式喚起了民族情感。燦爛的風格在這裡不僅盛開,而且變得更加甜美,甚至連民謠般的《杜姆卡》也變成了浪漫的夜曲。管弦樂團只是伴奏,為鋼琴提供了一個神秘的外殼。由揚-埃基爾(Jan Ekier)和帕維爾-卡明斯基(Pawel Kaminski)根據手稿、蕭邦本人認可的副本和初版編輯的批判性資料版本。其目的是以真實的形式呈現蕭邦的作品"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Jan Ekier
樂器: Orchestra; Piano
出版社: PWM Edition
This calls up national feelings in a slightly sentimental way. The stile brillant appeared here not just in full bloom, but sweetens and even the folky Dumka has been transformed into a romanticising nocturne. The orchestra merely accompanies, providing the piano with an oneiric shell. Critical source-edition edited by Jan Ekier and Pawel Kaminski based on manuscripts, copies approved by Chopin himself, and first editions. Its purpose is to present the works of Chopin in authentic form.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 215.46
UPC: 884088970901

