
Fantasia di Pasqua 幻想曲

$5,270TWD - $5,270TWD
$5,270TWD - $5,270TWD

根據傳統復活節聖歌改編的Fantasia di Pasqua是一部由四位演奏家共同演奏的宗教作品。這部作品通常在教堂音樂會或宗教場合中演奏,因此作曲家建議四重奏可以在兩個 "長廊 "中演奏。這就產生了一種奇妙的雙合唱效果,與加布裡埃利等偉大作曲家的文藝復興風格相得益彰。這是一部真正富有靈感的作品,能為您的音樂會增添文藝復興時期的韻味

作曲家: Michael Bilkes
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: De Haske Publications
Based on traditional Easter chants Fantasia di Pasqua is a tremendous work to feature four of your players in a religiously inspired work. Often this work is performed in church concerts or religious situations and, as such, the composer suggests that the quartet may be utilised performing from two “galleries”. This creates a wonderful double-choir effect that befits the Renaissance-like style of such great composers as Gabrieli. A truly inspired work to bring a touch of Renaissance class to your concerts.
難度: 2.5

頁數: 0
重量(g): 762.615
尺寸(cm): 29.845cm*21.082cm
UPC: 884088079604
