
Elégie 董雍 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$750TWD - $750TWD
$750TWD - $750TWD

翰內斯-唐容(1839 - 1912 年)出生于里昂,是讓-路易-圖盧在巴黎音樂學院的學生,被認為是 "美好時代 "的傑出代表。他為莫札特的 D 大調長笛協奏曲 KV 314 所作的快板以及各種長笛練習曲至今仍廣為人知。 第一份印刷品提到一位名叫羅伯特的音樂家是伴奏的作者,但我們對他的生平幾乎一無所知。這首樂曲的伴奏部分不過是長笛花環演奏的和聲輔助,但由於其和絃巧妙地貫穿全曲,使其成為一首有效的音樂會或安可曲目

作曲家: Donjon, Johannes
編者: Richter, Thomas
樂器: flute and harp (piano)
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Johannes Donjon (1839 - 1912), born in Lyon and student of Jean Louis Tulou at the Conservatory in Paris, is considered an outstanding representative of the „Belle Epoque“ who managed to make his audience feel enthusiastic about his salon music. His cadenzas on Mozart's Flute Concerto in D major KV 314 as well as various flute etudes are still known today. The first print mentions a musician by the name of Robert as being the author of the accompaniment, but we have hardly any facts about his life. The accompaniment part in question is hardly more than a harmonic support for the virtuoso flute garlands, but it makes the piece an effective concert or encore piece due to its chords which are skillfully placed throughout it.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 16
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790010339405
UPC: 842819104698
