
Drei Sonatinen für Klavier Urtext 貝多芬 小奏鳴曲 歌詞 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

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$400TWD - $400TWD

G大調奏鳴曲(Anh. 5/1)可能是許多有抱負的演奏家第一次接觸貝多芬的鋼琴音樂。然而,人們甚至無法確定它是否像其姊妹篇 F 大調奏鳴曲(Anh. 5/2)一樣,是貝多芬所寫。在貝多芬逝世後才出版的第一版中,它們被認為是貝多芬的作品,而另一位元作曲家尚未確定。但這兩首曲子對課程的吸引力絲毫未減。與貝多芬為其童年好友弗朗茨-格哈德-魏格勒(Franz Gerhard Wegeler)添加了指法的 Wo 50 奏鳴曲一起,Wiener Urtext Edition 重新發行了這些貝多芬鋼琴作品的小型入門作品。有了它們,即使是初學者也可以用音樂祝賀貝多芬 250 歲生日"

作曲家: Beethoven, Ludwig van
編者: Reutter, Jochen
校訂者: Franke, Nils
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition
The Sonatina in G major (Anh. 5/1) is likely the first encounter with Beethoven's piano music for many aspiring players. Yet one cannot even be sure whether it, like its sister work in F major (Anh. 5/2), was written by Beethoven. In the first edition, which was published only after Beethoven's death, they are attributed to Beethoven, and an alternative composer has not yet been identified. In no way have they lost any of their appeal for lessons. Together with the Sonatina WoO 50, to which Beethoven added fingerings for his childhood friend Franz Gerhard Wegeler, the Wiener Urtext Edition is reissuing these small introductory works to Beethoven's piano œuvre. With them, even beginners may be able to musically congratulate Beethoven on his 250th birthday.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790500573524
ISBN: 9783850557313
UPC: 800522002915
