
Clair de Lune Piano Solo 月光 德布西 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$360TWD - $360TWD

這首曲子可能是年輕的德彪西最著名的鋼琴曲,是他的四樂章組曲《貝加摩組曲》(HN 381)的慢板第三樂章。雖然這首曲子在和聲方面比較傳統,但在音調和旋律細節上已經預示了德彪西後來的鋼琴風格。這首組曲直到 1905 年才出版,儘管德彪西在校樣上注明了創作日期 "1890 年",表明這是一首早期作品。他同意出版的事實表明,他仍然認同這首作品的風格,而這一時期的風格早已被他拋在腦後"

作曲家: Claude Debussy
校訂者: Ernst-Günter Heinemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
This piece, probably the young Debussy's best known piano piece, was the slow third movement of his Suite bergamasque (HN 381) in four movements. Although it is conventional as far as the harmony is concerned, the tonal and melodic details already anticipate Debussy's later piano style. The suite was only published in 1905, although Debussy had made it clear by adding the date of composition “1890” to the proofs that it was an earlier work. The fact that he agreed to its publication shows that he still identified with this piece from a period whose style he had long since left behind him.

Fingering: Hans-Martin Theopold

頁數: 8
重量(g): 56.7
UPC: 884088175849
