
Berceuse op. 16 佛瑞 搖籃曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

布裡埃爾-福雷(Gabriel Fauré,1845-1924 年)創作於 1878 年或 1879 年的作品 16 "貝塞繆舞曲 "雖然是他最著名的作品之一,但其起源卻鮮為人知。後來,福雷甚至將這部作品改編成管弦樂曲。盧貝克音樂學院教授、著名小提琴教師瑪麗亞-埃格爾霍夫(Maria Egelhof)重新編輯了這首充滿魅力和柔情的小傑作"

作曲家: Fauré, Gabriel
編者: Egelhof, Maria
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Not much is known about the origin of the 'Berceuse' Op. 16 composed in 1878 or 1879 although it surely is one of the most famous works by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). Later, Fauré even arranged the work for orchestra. This little masterpiece full of charm and tenderness has been re-edited by the renowned violin teacher Maria Egelhof, professor at the Lübeck Academy of Music.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790001148030
ISBN: 9783795798659
