
Bartók Piano Collection Book 2 巴爾托克 鋼琴 鋼琴獨奏 博浩版

$750TWD - $750TWD
$750TWD - $750TWD

巴托克終極版》首次彙集了貝拉-巴托克大量鋼琴教學曲目中的精選曲目。每一卷都收錄了《獻給孩子們》、《Mikrokosmos》、《十首簡單樂曲》、《羅馬尼亞聖誕頌歌》、《十四首巴塔克舞曲》等曲目,編排循序漸進,有助於學習。隨書附贈的音訊 CD 由伊恩-法林頓 (Iain Farrington) 進行示範演奏。《權威巴羅克版》--媒體評論《權威巴羅克版》現在已成為各地演奏者的首選,它提供了巴羅克教育性和簡易性樂曲中富有啟發性、想像力和全面性的精選曲目。- PIANODAO.COM對於那些沒有貝拉-巴托克全集的人來說,這套書提供了一個極好的折衷方案,而由伊恩-法林頓演奏的所有精選作品的 CD 則錦上添花,使這套書成為每個人書架上不可錯過的珍品 - EPTA PIANO JOURNAL"

作曲家: Bartok, Bela
樂器: piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Lament - Tavern Song - In Folk Song Style - Jest - Dance of the Slovaks - The Two Pigeons - Peasant's Flute - Jeering Song - Romanian Song - Change in Time - In Valachian Style - Dance from Bucsum - Dialogue no 3 - Hungarian Folk Song - Dawn - Maid's Song - Sash Dance - In One Spot - Swine-herd's Song - Teasing Song - Canon - Stick Dance - Bulgarian Rhythm (1) - Bulgarian Rhythm (2) - Melody in the Mist - Harmonics - Jack-in-the-Box - From the Diary of a Fly - Bear Dance

The Definitive Bartók Edition brings together selected highlights from Béla Bartók’s extensive pedagogical piano catalogue for the very first time. Featuring repertoire from For Children, Mikrokosmos, Ten Easy Pieces, Romanian Christmas Carols, Fourteen Bagatelles and others, each volume has been compiled to be steadily progressive to aid learning. An accompanying audio CD features demonstration performances by Iain Farrington.THE DEFINITIVE BARTÓK EDITION - press reviewsThe Definitive Barók Edition is now a clear first choice for playrs everywhere, providing an illuminating, imaginative and well-rounded selection of his educational and easier pieces. - PIANODAO.COMFor those who do not own the complete works of Béla Bartók, the books offer an excellent compromise and the CDs of all the selected works performed by Iain Farrington provide the icing on the cake to make these books unmissable on everyone's shelves - EPTA PIANO JOURNAL
頁數: 48
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790060131998
ISBN: 9781784541934
