
Ballades Piano Solo 李斯特 鋼琴 敘事曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

李斯特分別於1845-1849年和1853年創作了兩首圓舞曲,當時他正處於個人的動盪時期。正如同樣創作於 1853 年的 B 小調奏鳴曲所示,這位成功的演奏家越來越將自己視為一位追求形式清晰的作曲家。當李斯特開始創作第一首圓舞曲時,他剛剛與多年的情婦瑪麗-阿古特伯爵夫人分居。他把這部作品的第一批草圖稱為《幻覺》(Dernières Illusions)。第二首 B 小調圓舞曲是他更為人熟知的作品,他對這首曲子的結尾費盡了心思(李斯特親筆簽名中的兩個強音結尾在我們版本的附錄中首次公佈)"

作曲家: Franz Liszt
校訂者: Rena Charnin Mueller
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Liszt: Ballad I (1849)
Liszt: Ballad II (1854)

Liszt wrote his two Ballades in 1845-49 and 1853 during a time of personal turmoil. The successful virtuoso increasingly saw himself as a composer who strove after formal clarity, as shown by the B minor sonata that was also composed in 1853. When Liszt began work on the first Ballade, he had just separated from his mistress of many years, Marie Comtesse d'Agoult. He called the first sketches for the work Dernières Illusions. A better-known work is the second Ballade in B minor, with whose ending he struggled (the two fortissimo endings in Liszt's autograph have been published for the first time in the appendix to our edition).
頁數: 52
重量(g): 221.13
UPC: 884088176839